Our weight loss team consists of nurse practitioners, physical therapist and a nutritionist who all work together to optimize your weight loss and lead to sustainable changes! Each team member is very passionate about weight loss and excited to be part of your journey.
Meet Our Weight Loss Team!
Kayte Crosby
Family Nurse Practitioner - Seaside Family Medicine
Kayte Crosby is very passionate about weight loss. As a medical provider she views obesity/overweight as a medical condition that needs to be evaluated and treated as such. Excess body weight is a medical condition and not a choice.
Kayte is excited to be part of this program, in fact it was her idea to have a structured medical weight loss program offered at Seaside Family Medicine.
Rachel Riley, DPT
Physical Therapist - Made2Move Physical Therapy
Dr. Rachel Riley helps her clients make sustainable progress towards their health goals one step at a time! She works with her clients to build a personalized plan specific to their health goals and she emphasizes the importance of small changes and building healthy habits over time.
With Rachel, every plan of care is unique to the needs of the patient in that season of their life. She values the input of her patients and listens to their feedback to make adjustments along the way. Rachel consistently encourages her patients to celebrate what they can do and wants to be on your team as you learn how to better take care of yourself. Let’s do this together!
Kate Hendley
Kate (a Charleston Native!) enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Accelerated Program securing her INHC Certification in 2020 and immediately completed her Intensive Coaching Practicum in 2021. She sat for her National Board Certification exam in May of 2022 (certification pending) and has continued to build her nutrition coaching business along the way. For Kate, this business is purposeful and personal. Vehemently against the one-size-fits-all approach, toxic “fad diets", scale shame, and reducing humans to numbers or food groups, she leads with empathy and focuses on empowering you to understand what your body needs, understanding the why behind your cravings and your symptoms, and encouraging you to pursue your best life - big goals both on and off your plate.